Wednesday, July 23, 2008


昨天看见一只老鼠在院子跑来跑去转圏圏,完全不怕人!当时 Bobo 也在,但她就斯斯文文的坐着,甚至老鼠跑到她面前去跟她对看,她还是一派斯文淡定,紋风不动!我才在想這是一只不会抓耗子的猫,那知今天一早她就抓了只小老鼠回来,而且还喀进肚子里去!



MayY . C 五月媽媽 said...
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MayY . C 五月媽媽 said...

Ah Bo eat live mouse?
I thought she prefer commercial kitty food?
My niece's is getting marry in November, she like to play a slide show tell about their love story, she thinking it in cartoon and in flash animations, and I no nothing about flash, I wonder if you are interested? she sent me the story.
I will get a quote from you, Auntie Me may have to pay as a gift for her....ada discount kah